Have you ever felt like you are just never good enough for anyone? That you simply cannot be number one to anyone in your life? No? That’s probably because that shit only happens to me. I’ve noticed that I always put others before myself no matter how it affects me. I’ve never seemed to care about my own emotions, and let me tell you, they are finally all coming out at once and I don’t know how to handle it.
From being the “troublesome child” in the family to never getting any guy who actually wants a relationship with me instead of a fling when they already have another girl in mind I've resulted that I think I’m done with this. Really. I sometimes ask what I ever did to deserve this, or is it frankly, just who I am; who I will always be? Someone who will always come second, someone who will just have to end up settling for something less than preferred?
I constantly see guys giving their all to their girl, or trying to impress this one girl, and I always stop to ask, why has that never been me? Maybe I just give off the vibe of “DGAF” about love? Maybe I don’t seem like the type to have a relationship? Maybe I’m just simply not good enough. I honestly don’t know, but I would love to find out so I could try to change it up.
I guess thats a downfall for being such a hopeless romantic. :\
Another thing, maybe is that I get let down too easily. I fall into traps so naturally, its not even funny. It’s like I’m a damn fish in the sea who sees the delish worm on the end of the hook and not realize that its on a hook. I crush way to easily and way too quickly. WAY too easily, and it needs to stop. The guys I crush on never really GAF cuz well, they just see me of course as friends, while me on the other hand sees things in a different perspective. ALL THE TIME. It’s ridiculous. And they never end up knowing. So they just become a pile of time wasters.
But I have to admit. You are one of the most exquisite wastes of time I have ever met. Friends are good with me. Like always. :]
EDIT: i take that back. you are such a jerk. GTFO.
Well, I guess I just gotta keep on waiting. I’m not a very patient person, which is probably my problem. I just give my heart away or well throw it out to maybe just infatuations. Hosanna. Please. Send me down someone who can be my best friend and yet can sweep me off my feet and simply fly away with me.
I'm not much of a taylor swift fan, but i can relate to this every single time.
>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGWE3hwJ21U <<<<<