Proposition 8 is purely absurd.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 // 8:58 PM
How is it that people have eyes, yet they are blinded from reality?How is it that people have hearts, yet they hold so much hatred?I know that whatever God one may believe in has provided them with a heart.I know that human beings are not evil creatures.But maybe all that I know are just false impressions of this corrupted world, and that is just the truth; unfortunately.Now, before anyone complains about this blog and whines about how I'm not living for God, and that I'm corrupting mankind, and I'm a sinner and will burn in the pits of hell for not supporting the passing of Proposition 8, I would just like to say that I really don't give a rat's a$$. I would rather rot in hell than to agree with you; than to support the intolerance against gays. I'm sorry. I'm a humanitarian. I'm sorry that I am not faithful enough to a point where I throw away my heart for what is said in a book, even thought it is the Holy Bible. Okay, I take that back. I am NOT sorry. God gave you a heart. Use it. God gave you a brain. Use it. God gave you this chance to show compassion. Why are you abusing it?PROPOSITION 8 is COMPLETELY absurd.They are against gays getting married. Why? What is so different about gay people? And yet they let rapists, child abusers, money-grubbers marry. America would rather prefer THEM over TWO PEOPLE IN LOVE. If you don't find that absolutely inhumane, then I have absolutely NO respect for you, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you cant see past someone else's words.-->They say that gay marriage will consist of unable parents...and yet abusive parents, ones who dont give sh*t about their kids are welcome.-->They say that gays arent able to produce children...and well, i mean, what about the infertile/old couples? are they implying thtat they shouldnt have the right to marry either? are they implying that our population is UNDERpopulated and our orphanages arent full?-->They say that gay parents will only raise gay children and in the future, the whole world will be gay...oh, because straight people only raise straight children, right?-->They say that gay marriage is not supported by everyone has to be a Christian in america, right? Because we only have ONE religion in the world, right? and speaking of that, when did Jesus ever say that He hates Gays and they aren't equal? What happened to Him loving every single one of His creations?-->They say that children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home...which is why they made single parents illegal, right? And that is why EVERY SINGLE STRAIGHT COUPLE WORKED OUT in the end right? and our society is just PERFECT, WITH perfect and successful children, right?i guess its fine that we take away their rights and their happiness and throw it on the ground and stomp all over it.
i guess its fine that we cant just simply mind our own frickin business.
i guess its fine that we have completly lost our compassion for others.
i guess its fine that their ways of life are controlled by someone elses opinion.
i guess its fine that they are looked down upon because of something they can't control. (and if u argue about this to me, try and give me proof. proven proof.)
i guess its fine that we're just selfish enough to ruin a fraction of the population's life for our own personal preferances.
i guess its just perfectly fine that not only are they constantly riduculed, bashed on, and discriminated against, but now that they've found someone they truly LOVE and accepts them for who they are, we're just that heartless enough take that away too.
but.. you know, i guess its all just swell, ain't it.
so go ahead and celebrate intolerance. it's what America does best, right?All those people who only agree to the proposition because of their religion and because they are homophobic need to get a life, grow some balls and deal with it. Restricting gays' right to get married does NOTHING for them. Whats going to be different? Gays act just the way EVERYONE ELSE normally does. The only difference here is the title. Does their right to marry really effect your life? Does it affect you in any way at all? You people are just ignorant people that doesn't give a sh*t about anyone else. This isn't even a matter of "respecting peoples' views", this is a MORAL value and apparently your morals have been consumed by bullsh*t. Aren't Americans searching for change?...or so the people claim. How is America supposed to "change" if people can't let go of their traditional ways of life. What happened to acceptance? Tell me, how is this ANY way different from the HOLOCAUST. I'm sorry I'm being blunt, but seriously. Christ as Hitler and Gays as Jews. Think about it. Hitler had no particular reason to hate on Jews, but because they were different, he did, and he rounded up followers and took away rights, humiliated, and tortured Jewish people. Is this not the same? Christ, stated that Gays are sinners, and basically His followers have nothing but seclusion and hatred for them, bashing, humiliating, not accepting them. Religion is a good thing, I'm not going to lie; but when religions try to limit the lives of others for the sake of their own 'beliefs', its gone too far. Religion is a personal choice. The rules and views of those religions can't be forced upon someone that comes from a different background.
What happened to tolerance?To me, this proposition is pure bullsh*t.this world needs to grow a heart, damn it; and mind their own damn business.P.S. if abortion is banned later on, I swear, I will go straight to Congress and shoot every last one of them.-Kathleen Tung
kathleen is the name. im a dancer. june 9th is the most important day of our lives. (: i am a JUNIOR at walnut high. i have no idea what i want to be anymore. music is my life..its the only thing that keeps me sane when im out of it. i like to cook. I'm addicted to watching food network. I absolutely love comedians like dave chappelle, kevin hart, and russel peters. Italian is my forte. If i like you enough, ill cook for you. drama-free is the way to be. ill stand my ground when i believe that i should. Your opinion about me does not matter to me. When I completely support something, dont you dare try to oppose me. You will get ur ass beaten in debate. I am a great listener to problems. Fortunately for you guys, I am a person that you can trust, UNfortunately, i trust many people too easily. I dont like being a doormat, but im stuck in that rut. i try to believe that i control my own happiness, but thats never going to happen. im one of the nicest people out there, or so ive been told which sometimes is at my own disadvantage. i dont hold grudges, but i will fight back.
I'm allergic to rudeness. I love songs, dances, words, situations, or even people that give me chills or make me cry tears of joy. talk to me on aim, facebook or myspace. dance with me. :] &truthfully, i'm not that great.
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